LyricS Distribution

Get your lyrics everywhere
Distribute your lyrics on Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram and many more platforms, and put your lyrics in the pockets of billions of fans around the world.
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Take control of your lyrics on Musixmatch Pro to add, edit and sync them and distribute them across all the major digital streaming services and social networks like Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram, Amazon Music, Google and many more.

You'll have complete control over your lyrics, and once you verify them, they will display as your official lyrics.
Add, edit, and sync your lyrics
Use Musixmatch Pro to add your official lyrics, sync them with your music, and enrich them with metadata like song structure, credits, and translations.
Choose how to distribute your lyrics
You’re in charge, and you decide how much time to invest. Do it yourself, save time with our AI tools, or let our expert specialists do the job for you.

Transcribe and sync your lyrics by yourself

Transcribe and manually sync your artists’ lyrics in full autonomy, free of charge.

Automatically sync your lyrics with AI

Upload your song’s lyrics and audio files. We’ll automagically time-sync your lyrics in a breeze.

Let our expert specialists synchronize your lyrics

Outsource your lyrics distribution to our expert curators who will guarantee the best output possible.
Get your lyrics
into everyone's pocket

Distribute your synced lyrics to Spotify, the world's most popular music streaming service

Lyrics Display

Synchronized lyrics

Lyrics search

Add your lyrics directly to Instagram Stories for enriched storytelling

Lyrics Display

Synchronized lyrics

Lyrics search

Have your lyrics directly displayed on Google, the world's favorite search engine

Lyrics Display

Synchronized lyrics

Get your lyrics displayed and searchable on Apple Music

Lyrics Display

Synchronized lyrics

Manage, distribute, and verify their own content using Musixmatch

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What artists say in their own words.

Promote your music with Lyric Videos

Create dynamic Lyric Videos with the first AI-powered tool. Bring your lyrics to life and engage your fans on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and more.

Learn more

Verify your artist now
Join Musixmatch Pro now to distribute your lyrics on Spotify, Apple Music and Instagram and create stunning Lyric Videos for Socials

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